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About Us

Wilson Vance Elementary

Wilson Vance Elementary School, located on Findlay’s East Side, is home to about 325 students in grades 3 through 5. The experienced teaching staff provides caring, nurturing, positive learning experiences for all students. Through technology,  classroom lessons, field trips, personal experiences and dedicated teaching, students have an opportunity to develop their skills, confidence, and abilities at work and themselves. Parents are an important part of our learning community.

Wilson Vance has joined The Leader In Me Family! Each new school year brings opportunities; opportunities for academic growth but also opportunities for growth in all areas of development. Although children must be knowledgeable when they graduate, they must also be healthy, engaged, responsible, and caring people.

Mrs. Lyndsey Stephenson,

Wilson Vance School Hours:

9:05am and ends at 3:30pm.
Attendance: 419.425.8332

Third Grade Reading Guarantee

Ohio’s Third Grade Reading Guarantee is a program to identify students from kindergarten through grade 3 that are behind in reading. Schools will provide help and support to make sure students are on track for reading success by the end of third grade. The department provides policy guidance, instructional tools, and resources on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. (Source: Ohio Department of Education)


  • Ohio Achievement Assessment scores will reflect at least 90% of state indicators, a performance index greater than 100, meeting Adequate Yearly Progress and achieving Value Added growth.
  • We will meet the diverse needs of all students attending Whittier/Wilson Vance to raise achievement.
  • All members of the Whittier/Wilson Vance school environment will conduct themselves in accordance with the virtues chosen by Findlay City Schools.


  • We will monitor each child’s progress and provide necessary interventions at all grade levels.
  • We will develop and implement a plan to identify and serve the diverse academic, social, cultural, emotional and physical needs of all students.
  • We will create and implement innovative programs, beginning at the primary level, that will improve achievement scores.
  • We will develop plans to increase awareness of the virtues and improve relationships between students, families, staff and community members.
  • We will pursue alternative funding and resources in order to meet the diverse needs of all students.
  • We will develop a plan to recruit and utilize a diverse group of volunteers in effective ways.


President Doni Tiell
Past President Stephanie Wendt
Vice President Kim Kogan
Treasurer Mary Kay Kasiborski
Assistant Treasurer Lisa Vick
Secretary Jen Sheely